
Thursday, December 5, 2019

I am living the Dream... REALLY!!!!

Okay, let me start by saying this year I deleted, deleted, deleted.. and added, added, added, in my social media. WHY? Clay retired.. which means I am retired. ... so I deleted my great big beautiful blog ..and lots of things.. but let's not turn back.. let's go forward.. I am focusing on my farm and my husband and was actually just going to blog on tumblr as the site is social but I realized that people for me really enjoyed my regular blog so I said Okay let's give it a go again and start fresh. So hear is the thing I want to share what is up for 2020 and beyond.. FARMING and SOCIAL MEDIA.. that's it.. that is who I am I can't really separate myself from either... so I am actually 100 percent on both. I love social media so I spend all day from party to party online and then in between I am being all farmy and stuff. .. so a little bit of everything here. I hope you enjoy the ride it is a wild one.. but like I say.. I am living the Dream.. really I am... I mean I always wanted to farm and being a "born sales person" are you kidding ? Social media lets me meet people 24/7 or chat with friends I am trully living the dream! Hope you enjoy this post.. from business, to crochet, to farming, to news, it's all here.. it's my vlog/blog here .. Love ya all ! and be a good little skippy and don't forget to sub to me wherever you find me online. .. This blog is brand spankin new so soon it will be all filled in but it's pretty basic now .. so stay tune for the fun as I have lots of things to explore here once I am done! 

Come follow me on youtube ---- and see what we have been up to! 

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